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POD week 15 update

CA1 I mastered the track to make the song louder and wider. As the song is pretty mono-sounding, I only widened it enough so that it does not stretch the main vocal in the middle. For maximising, I did not maximise a lot as the song is already pretty compressed overall. CA2 I exported all the guitar DI files to come up with a new mix. I tried various amp simulation sound to find the most adequate sound. I also added piano and synthesizer for embellishment. Although they are just doubling the chords and melody lines of the guitar, it reinforces the guitar melody, making the overall structure of the song more solid. I mixed the MIDI drum using the built-in mixer that is included in the MIDI drum patch. As it was impossible make the MIDI drum multi-output, I decided to do away this way. (Link to score)

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